
ThemeWare® is already 100% accessible according to the criteria of PageSpeed Insights, as you can see under the following link:

Making your website accessible

  • 1-click solutions (overlays) for accessibility

    • 1-click solutions are currently being advertised by many providers. We are currently testing various solutions and will recommend one that we consider particularly suitable later on this page.

  • Accessible audio and video

    • Since audio and video files are difficult for people with visual or hearing impairments to use, the accessibility of this content is all the more important. Provide alternative content such as descriptive transcripts.

  • Accessible images

    • For images that are integrated via the Shopware media manager and that are important for the content, you should add an image description as an alt attribute in the media manager. At the same time, you should also maintain the title attribute.

  • Accessible texts

    • Use easy-to-understand language and avoid complicated words and sentences.

  • Accessible system

    • Keep Shopware and your theme, as well as all other extensions used, up to date.

German implementation of the EAA (European Accessibility Act)

The implementation of the Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility requirements for products and services (in German "Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz" – BFSG) will be transposed into national law by 28 June 2025.

Shopware plans to provide the necessary technical adaptations in Shopware Core by then. We will of course support these adaptations and offer additional accessibility configurations via ThemeWare® if required.

In addition, we will provide comprehensive instructions and advice on implementing the accessibility requirements in our Knowledge Base to make the process as smooth as possible for you.

Last updated