Update the shop

To ensure that any issues have not already been resolved with an update, it makes sense to update Shopware, all Extensions (Apps or Plugins) and ThemeWare® itself to the latest version.

Note: Please check whether you have a valid subscription for purchased extensions so that you also receive the latest updates. The subscription is always included in rental extensions.

Update the entire shop:

  1. Update Shopware to the latest version:

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to the "Shopware updater" ("Settings" => "System" => "Shopware Update")

    2. Click on the button "Check for updates"

    3. Update Shopware if a newer version is available

  2. Update all Extensions (Apps or Plugins) to the latest version:

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to the "Extension Management" ("Extensions" => "My Extensions")

    2. Check the tab "Apps" if there are any updates available

    3. Update all relevant apps

  3. Update ThemeWare® to the latest version:

    1. Check in the tab "Themes" if there is an update for ThemeWare®

    2. Check in the Changelog if there is an update for ThemeWare®

    3. Update ThemeWare® if necessary

Last updated


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