Getting support

If you have any questions or problems, our popular ThemeWare® Service Portal is available around the clock. There you will find all the links to ThemeWare®, useful tools, answers to the most frequently asked questions, solutions to every known problem and news about ThemeWare® and Shopware 6.

The Service Portal is therefore always the first point of contact for all matters relating to ThemeWare®:

ThemeWare® Support

Thanks to thousands of tickets, we have already answered most of the questions and most of the bugs have long been known and solved. So that all customers can benefit from this knowledge, we have documented our knowledge in the ThemeWare® Knowledge Base, the ThemeWare® Manual and the ThemeWare® Video Tutorial.

In addition, you can find almost all information about Shopware 6 in the Shopware Documentation.

This allows you to solve almost all questions and problems yourself without having to wait for our answer.

If you still need support, you can open a ticket via the ThemeWare® Service Portal or directly via your Shopware Account to get quick help.

Get support

  1. Have a look at the Shopware Documentation

  2. Check the Shopware Issue Tracker for problems/errors

  3. Have a look at the ThemeWare® Documentation

  4. Use the ThemeWare® Search to search the entire ThemeWare® documentation

  5. Optional: ThemeWare® Service Portal

    1. Go to the Service Portal:

    2. Click on "Request support" in the blue navigation (at the top of the screen)

    3. Scroll to the "Create a ticket" section

    4. Open the "Request ThemeWare® support" tab

  6. Shopware Account

    1. Log in to your Shopware Account

    2. Switch to the "Merchant" area

    3. Open the section "Support"

    4. Click on "Request Support" at the top right of the navigation bar

    5. Select your shop

    6. Select the option "Extension Support"

    7. Select the extension for which you require support

We answer all tickets as quickly as possible. If you do not receive an answer within 24 hours, there was probably a technical problem with your enquiry. Just try again.

Additional information

Last updated


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