Reinstalling ThemeWare®
If this is not sufficient (e.g. in the case of incorrect file permissions due to manual editing of source files), the only thing that can be done is to reinstall ThemeWare®:
Reinstall ThemeWare®:
Recommended: Create a full backup of your shop
Assign the Shopware default theme to your sales channel:
Navigate via the main navigation to your sales channel ("Sales Channels" => "..." => Tab "Theme")
Deactivate ThemeWare®:
Switch via the main navigation to the "Extension Management" ("Extensions" => "My Extensions")
Switch to the tab "Themes"
Uninstall ThemeWare® (without removing the app data):
Confirm the uninstallation once again with the "Uninstall" button
Install ThemeWare® again:
Activate ThemeWare® again:
Assign ThemeWare® to your sales channel again:
Switch to tab "Theme"
Now click in the section "Theme assignment" onto the button "Change theme"
Select your ThemeWare® theme in the "Select theme" pop-up and click on the "Change theme" button
Click on "Save" at the top so that the theme will be assigned and compiled
Clearing the Shopware cache:
Navigate via the main navigation to the section "Cache & Indexes" ("Settings" => "System")
Click "Clear caches "
Reloading the website and the browser cache:
After that, reload the page on which the problem occurred in your web browser with a cache refresh:
Windows: CTRL + F5
Mac: Command + Shift + R
Last updated