Reinstalling ThemeWare®

In rare cases, issues arise because files from Extensions (Plugins, Apps or Themes) have not been completely transferred to the Storefront. In the case of ThemeWare® this can be solved with a "Soft Reset" (see Performing a ThemeWare® Soft Reset).

If this is not sufficient (e.g. in the case of incorrect file permissions due to manual editing of source files), the only thing that can be done is to reinstall ThemeWare®:

Reinstall ThemeWare®:

  1. Recommended: Create a full backup of your shop

  2. Assign the Shopware default theme to your sales channel:

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to your sales channel ("Sales Channels" => "..." => Tab "Theme")

  3. Deactivate ThemeWare®:

    1. Switch via the main navigation to the "Extension Management" ("Extensions" => "My Extensions")

    2. Switch to the tab "Themes"

  4. Uninstall ThemeWare® (without removing the app data):

    1. Confirm the uninstallation once again with the "Uninstall" button

  5. Install ThemeWare® again:

  6. Activate ThemeWare® again:

  7. Assign ThemeWare® to your sales channel again:

    1. Switch to tab "Theme"

    2. Now click in the section "Theme assignment" onto the button "Change theme"

    3. Select your ThemeWare® theme in the "Select theme" pop-up and click on the "Change theme" button

    4. Click on "Save" at the top so that the theme will be assigned and compiled

  8. Clearing the Shopware cache:

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to the section "Cache & Indexes" ("Settings" => "System")

    2. Click "Clear caches "

  9. Reloading the website and the browser cache:

    • After that, reload the page on which the problem occurred in your web browser with a cache refresh:

      • Windows: CTRL + F5

      • Mac: Command + Shift + R

Last updated


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