Responsive Shopping Experiences

With Shopware you can easily set the visibility of sections and blocks in the Shopping Experience editor.

1. Shopping Experience

  1. Switch to the Shopping Experiences Management via the main navigation ("Content" => "Shopping Experiences")

  2. Click on the desired Shopping Experience to edit it.

  3. The Shopping Experience now opens in the Shopping Experience editor

2. Section

  1. The section settings open on the right side of the window (2)

  2. Open the section "Visibility" (3)

2. Block

  1. Click on the CMS block you want to edit (1)

  2. The block settings open on the right side of the window (2)

  3. Open the section "Visibility" (3)

3. Visability

In the section "Visibility" (3) you can now configure the section or block for three viewports (4).

In the editor, invisible CMS sections or CMS blocks are "collapsed".

  • With a click on the link "Collapse section" or "Expand section" (5) you can collapse/expand an invisible CMS section in order to edit it.

  • With a click on the link "Collapse block" or "Expand block" (5) you can collapse/expand an invisible CMS block in order to edit it.

Note: Please note that Shopware just adds a CSS class to the section or block. The element is therefore invisible, the HTML code is still present in the storefront.

Tip: Until Shopware allows more viewports, the Bootstrap CSS classes from ThemeWare® offer you further configuration options for the visibility of CMS sections and CMS blocks: see Responsive Shopping Experiences with Bootstrap

Last updated


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