Configuration fields in the "General" tab


You may find configuration fields (usually titled "twt-...") in the "General" tab of the ThemeWare® configuration that have no effect.

Orphaned configuration fields automatically end up in the "General" tab."


These are "orphaned configuration fields". These occur when a configuration field has been edited by the user at some point and this configuration field is deleted with a theme update.

Note: With ThemeWare® you benefit from continuous development. From time to time it may happen that configuration fields are removed or replaced with an update.

Unfortunately, the Shopware update routine currently does not automatically remove those configuration fields.


In response to our issue (NEXT-14571), Shopware has extended the "Save" button in the theme configuration in Shopware and added a "Clean" option. This allows you to delete "orphaned configuration fields".

You can find out how to remove "orphaned configuration fields" in the article Cleaning up ThemeWare®.

Issue not solved?

If you could not solve the problem, simply start the ThemeWare® Debugging. You can open a support ticket in case you are not able to solve the problem yourself:

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