Frequent questions

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about ThemeWare® for Shopware 6.

Frequently searched features in ThemeWare®


How can I change or translate a text (e.g. of widgets)?

How can I change the number of levels in the flyout?

How can I customise snippets for individual Sales Channels?

How can I customise texts for individual Sales Channels?

How can I make individual customisations?

How can I use a different configuration for a Sales Channel?

How can I use an individual configuration for an additional Sales Channel?

What image sizes should I use with ThemeWare®?

Why is ThemeWare® available several times in the Shopware store?

Shopping Experiences

How can I hide CMS blocks on mobile devices?

How do I configure the autoplay in the image slider?

How can I remove the border around a CMS block?

How can I remove the borders around CMS blocks?

Why does the header overlay the Shopping Experience?


How can I fix representation errors?

What does the "Extension Warning" window mean when opening my admin?


How can I embed Google Fonts in a GDPR compliant manner locally?

How do I use webfonts in a GDPR compliant manner?

Category / Listing

How can I hide the product description in product boxes?

How can I make the listing look more compact?

How can I remove the spaces in the listing?


How can I make product boxes more compact?


Can I extend the trial month?

Can I extend the trial period?

Do I have to purchase ThemeWare® again for another domain?

Do I have to purchase ThemeWare® again for another Sales Channel?

How do I cancel a extension rent?

How to delete licences correctly?

When does the trial month end?

When does the trial period end?


The subscription expires - what now?

Why does the subscription have to be renewed for bought extensions?


Why is the new ThemeWare® version not available?

What does "Already compatible" mean?

What does "Not compatible" mean?

What does "Now avaiable" mean?

What does "With new Shopware version" mean?

Last updated

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