Exporting and importing the ThemeWare® configuration

In this article you will learn how to export and import the ThemeWare® configuration.

Note: This article is intended for professionals and experts. If you are not absolutely sure, we will be happy to support you: ThemeWare® Services at a glance

Export and import of the theme configuration

Unfortunately, currently there is no possibility to export and import the theme configuration from Shopware via the administration. Nor are we aware of a corresponding extension so far.

Important: In the Shopware 6 Cloud currently is no possibility to reach the configuration via the database.

Using an export and import of the configuration values you can:

  • save your configuration

  • restore a saved configuration

  • transfer configurations between a theme and its duplicate

  • transfer theme configurations to another installation

Backup for safety

Manual editing of the database is suitable for experienced users who are familiar with the database. Get help if this does not apply to you.

Attention: Make sure you create a backup of your database before you make any changes here!

Manual approach (for experienced users)

Tip: For a quick access to the database we gladly use the extension Adminer for Admin from Friends of Shopware.

Exporting the theme configuration

  1. Open the database (e.g. Adminer or phpMyAdmin)

  2. Use the search field to find the table "themes" (1)

  3. Open the table with "select" (2)

  4. Edit the data set of the desired theme (e.g. "TcinnThemeWareModern") with "edit" (3)

  5. Save the content of the column "config_values" (4) in a *.txt or *.json file to perform a "backup" of the current configuration

  6. Leave the database without saving changes

Importing the Theme Configuration

  1. Open the database (e.g. Adminer or phpMyAdmin)

  2. Use the search field to find the table "themes" (1)

  3. Open the table with "select" (2) open

  4. Edit the data set of the desired theme (e.g. "TcinnThemeWareModern") with "edit" (3)

  5. Enter your saved configuration into the field "config_values" (4)

  6. Save this change and exit the database

Note: The change will be applied to your theme when you open the theme configuration the next time.


Important information

  • When transferring a theme configuration, make sure that the themes are compatible with each other! For example, you should avoid depositing a ThemeWare® configuration in the default "Storefront" theme, or vice versa.

  • When transferring a theme configuration, make sure that the version number of the source and target theme is the same!

  • If the configuration is to be transferred to another Shopware installation, then all media (background image, etc.) must be re-uploaded and reassigned.

Last updated


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