Identifying the current ThemeWare® Version

There are several ways to find out which is the latest ThemeWare® version.

ThemeWare® Version in the Service Portal

  1. Open the Service Portal in the browser of your preference

  2. In the Main Navigation click on "Changelogs"

  3. The current version number of ThemeWare® is the first entry in the list, including the date of release.

ThemeWare® Version in the Shopware Store

  1. Open the Shopware Store in the browser of your preference

  2. Find and open the product page of your Theme

  3. The current version number of ThemeWare® is shown here in two positions:

    • In section "Details" in the buybox

    • In the changelog in the tab "Changelog"


Additional information

Note: In case the extension management does not offer you any updates, even though there is a newer version of ThemeWare® available, you may find possible solutions in the article ThemeWare® update not available

Last updated


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