Rating ThemeWare®

In this tutorial you will learn how to rate ThemeWare® for Shopware 6.

We are always happy to receive an honest rating. The rating does not have to be long, 1-2 sentences are sufficient.

Tip: If you like to give us feedback, you can always submit suggestions for improvement or a complaint using our Service Portal. We will respond to any feedback.

There are two methods of rating ThemeWare®:

  1. Using your Shopware Account (recommended)

Note: The rating via the Shopware account is more detailed and therefore more constructive than a rating via the store administration.

In the following we show you both methods in detail.

1. Shopware Account

  1. Log in to your Shopware account

  2. Switch to the "Merchant Area" (1) via the selection field in the upper left.

  3. In the navigation, click "Shops" (2)

  4. Now choose the shope for which you have tested, purchased or rented the extension

  5. Scroll down to the"Licenslist"

  6. Now click the extension you want to rate

  7. At the top right you will find the link "Rate" (3)

  8. In the following pop-up you will be able to make your rating

  9. Enter your name (4), a headline or summary (5) for your rating and the your review or description (6)

  10. Please rate the functionality, usability, documentation and support (7) of ThemeWare® by using the 5 stars

  11. Confirm the Terms and Conditions (8)

  12. Send the rating by clicking "Submit Rating" (9)


2. Shop administration

  1. Open the administration of your shop

  2. Switch via the main navigation to the"Extension Management" (1) (2) ("Extensions" => "My Extensions")

  3. Switch to the tab "Themes" (3)

  4. Click the Context-Button (4) next to the theme to open the context menu and click on "Rate" (5)

  5. In the following pop-up you will be able to do your rating

  6. Enter a headline (6) for your rating and your review (8)

  7. Please rate ThemeWare® using the 5 stars in the section Rating (7)

  8. Confirm the Terms and Conditions (9) and submit the rating clicking "Submit" (10)


Last updated


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