Examining individual customizations

In order to examine whether an error or problem is caused by an individual customization, please follow the instructions below:

You can examine individual customizations in 5 steps:

  1. Exclude theme duplicate (if used)

  2. Exclude individual customizations (if used)

  3. Exclude individual code

  4. Clear Shopware cache

  5. Clear browser cache

Examining individual customizations

  1. Open the administration of your shop

  2. Exclude theme duplicate (if used):

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to your sales channel ("Sales Channels" => "..." => Tab "Theme")

    2. Please assign the original ThemeWare® theme to the appropriate sales channel

  3. Exclude individual customizationsn (if used):

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to the Extension Management ("Extensions" => "My extensions" => Tab "Apps")

    2. Deactivate the ThemeWare® customizing plugin (or similar extensions)

  4. Exclude individual code:

    1. Now switch via the main navigation to the "Theme Management" ("Content" => "Themes")

      • Note: In the Shopware Cloud, you will find the section "Themes" directly in the main navigation.

    2. Open the theme configuration of the original ThemeWare® theme

    3. Deactivate the "Expert mode" (Tab " Others" => Section "Expert settings")

    4. Save this change (Button "Save")

    5. The theme is now being compiled and transferred to the storefront...

  5. Clear Shopware cache (not available in the cloud):

    1. Navigate via the main navigation to the section "Cache & Indexes" ("Settings" => "System")

    2. Click "Clear caches "

    3. The Shopware cache is being cleared now...

  6. Reload website and browser cache:

    • Then reload the page on which the problem occurred in your web browser with a cache refresh:

      • Windows: CTRL + F5

      • Mac: Command + Shift + R

Does the problem not occur anymore?

If the problem no longer occurs, ThemeWare® is not the cause and there is a problem with your individual customizations.

Tip: In case of doubt, contact your agency and tell them what you found out. They will certainly be able to help you.

Note: The article is part of our guided troubleshooting assistant and explains a specific step in this process.

In order to perform the corresponding steps in the correct order, please use the troubleshooting assistant.

Last updated


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