Creating an imprint page

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a shop page layout for a "Imprint" page and assign it to your storefront.

Creating the layout

Create a new layout of the type "Shop pages" in the Shopping Experiences Management and fill it with the desired content.

Note: How to create a shop page layout, you will discover in the tutorial Creating a shop page layout.

Assigning the page

  1. Switch to the "Basic information" settings of your shop via the main navigation ("Settings" => "Shop" => "Basic information")

  2. Scroll down a bit to the section "Shop pages".

  3. Select the layout created above at "Layout for an imprint".

  4. Confirm this change by clicking "Save".


Settings > Basic information

Additional information

Note: How to make a layout available in the storefront by using a navigation is described in the following tutorial: Linking shop pages in the storefront

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