Parse error: failed at $...


You get the error message Unable to compile the theme "TcinnThemeWare...". parse error: failed at $...


Crucial here is the note "parse error: failed at $...". This means that a wrong value was entered in a configuration field and in which configuration field this is the case respectively the technical name of the field: $...


If the error message says Unable to compile the theme "TcinnThemeWareBath". parse error: failed at $sw-font-family-base: ‚Open Sans', sans-serif; (stdin) on line 11, at column 1, for example, the theme cannot be compiled or even saved due to an error in the $sw-font-family-base configuration field.

Note: If the error is not "parse error: failed at $..." but "Undefined variable $..." please have a look at this article: Undefined variable $...


Just change the corresponding configuration field.

If you don't know which configuration field you are dealing with, just visit the ThemeWare® Config Finder and search there for the technical name sw-font-family-base (without the "$").

After you have adjusted the field, the theme or the duplicate can be saved and compiled again.

Issue not solved?

If you could not solve the problem, simply start the ThemeWare® Debugging. You can open a support ticket in case you are not able to solve the problem yourself:

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