
Welcome to the ThemeWare® Knowledge Base and thank you for choosing ThemeWare®!

The ThemeWare® documentation for Shopware 6 is based on 3 "pillars":

  1. The Service Portal

    • The Service Portal is always the first place to go for all your ThemeWare® needs. It is your personal dashboard for ThemeWare®.

    • There you will always find all the relevant links and information about ThemeWare®, the ThemeWare® Video Tutorial, the ThemeWare® Utilities, the ThemeWare® Search, the ThemeWare® Config Finder, wizards, promotions, useful tools, feedback and contact forms and much more.

    • You can find the Service Portal here: service.themeware.design/en

  2. The ThemeWare® Knowledge Base

    • In the ThemeWare® Knowledge Base you will find the ThemeWare® Introduction, many guides and tutorials, the ThemeWare® Lexicon, answers to the most frequently asked questions, solutions to the most common issues, professional knowledge for agencies and freelancers and lots of useful information about Shopware 6.

    • You can find the ThemeWare® Knowledge Base here: knowledge.themeware.design

  3. The ThemeWare® Manual

    • In the ThemeWare® Manual you will find information about all the features and functions of ThemeWare®.

    • You can find the ThemeWare® Manual here: docs.themeware.design

The ThemeWare® Knowledge Base

You are currently in the ThemeWare® Knowledge Base. Here you will find an answer to most questions immediately and don't even have to wait for our e-mail.

If you don't find an answer, create a new ticket via our Service Portal. This is the quickest way to get our support.

Shopware 6

The ThemeWare® Knowledge Base primarily contains articles on ThemeWare® features. There are of course several overlaps with features of Shopware 6.

If you need more information about the features of Shopware 6, we recommend you take a look at the Shopware documentation and the Shopware section.

Last updated

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